The following is a statement from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) on the death of Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda, who was murdered in the notorious TPLF/EPRDF prison of Qaallittii yesterday. To read the statement in Amharic, please click here.
Eng. Tesfahun Chemeda, the Latest Victim of TPLF Pogrom Extermination Campaign Against the Oromo People
OLF Statement on the death of Engineer Tesfahun Chemeda who died in the notorious TPLF/EPRDF prison of Qaallittii yesterday.
Short Biography
Engineer Tesfahun was born in 1976 from his father Mr. Chemeda Gurmessa and his mother Mrs. Giddinesh Benya at Harbu village, Guduru district, eastern Wallaga, western Oromia. He was lucky enough to get the slim chance of going to school for his likes under the occupation. He completed his school starting at Looyaa, then Fincha’aa and at Shambo in 1996. His remarkably high score enabled him to join the university in Finfinne (Addis Abeba) where he graduated with BSc in Civil Engineering in 2001. Subsequently:
1. Sept. 2004–Jan 2005 – he worked as unit manager for the maintenance of Arsi-Bale road project run by Oromia Rural Road Maintenance Authority and Ethio-Italian Company.
2. Worked at Degele-Birbirsa RR50 project in Salle-Nonno District in extreme South-west of Ilu-Abba-Bore Zone
3. Worked on four simultaneous road projects for settlements; Kone-Chawwaqaa, Baddallee-Kolosirri, Gachi-Chate and Yanfa-Ballattii
4. Worked as a project manager for Chawwaqa district head office construction in Ilu-Harari.
5. Oct. 2001–July 2003 site engineer for Siree-Nunu-Arjo Rural Road of Wallaga district.
Because of the policy of persecution and surveillance imposed on him, like any educated and entrepreneurial Oromo class as per TPLF’s standing policy, he decided to flee to Kenya for his safety. He sought protection from the UNHCR office in Nairobi explaining his position, and got accepted and recognized as a refugee. However, for unknown reasons, he and his colleague in skill and refugee life, Mesfin Abebe Abdisa, were arrested and eventually handed over to the Ethiopian authorities by the Kenyan counterpart on April 27, 2007, due to the agreement between the two countries.
Ethiopia, being a member of the Joint Anti-Terrorism Task Force (JATT), formed under the auspices U.S. that includes Uganda and Kenya as well, continues to abduct Oromo refugees from the neighbouring countries where they sought UN protection, under the pretext of anti-terrorism. The two innocent victims Tesfahun and Mesfin were handed over to the Ethiopian authorities who took them handcuffed and blindfolded at 2:00AM local time on May 12, 2007, purportedly to have them investigated for terrorism at the JATT Main Investigation Branch in Finfinne (Addis Abeba).
From Apr. 27 to May 12, 2007, before handing them over, they were interrogated at the Kenyan National Bureau of Investigation near Tirm Valley by American agents and Kenyan Anti-Terror Police Unit. The Kenyan officer Mr Francis, who led the investigation, concluded the innocence of these two victims and requested the Kenyan authority to immediately let them free. However, another Kenyan CID agent Ms. Lelian, who is suspected of having close connection with the Ethiopian agents, opposed the decision and facilitated the handing over of these two innocent victims.
Once in the hands of the Ethiopian agents, they were taken to the notorious dark Central Investigation compound, known as Ma’ikelawii, where they were interrogated under severe torture for a year and a quarter.
Engineer Tesfahun was then presented before a court of magistrates of all Tigrian nationals in Jul. 2008, who passed the life sentence on him on March 31, 2010. The two were subsequently moved from the maximum security prison to an unknown destination for the pretext of planning to escape. They were taken for further torture in another underground location by a squad directly commanded by the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. It was only since last three months that they were returned to Qallitti main prison. The beating was so severe that the engineer repeatedly requested and needed medical treatment which he was of course denied and eventually succumbed to the torture impact yesterday Aug. 24, 2013. He became the latest victim of the vicious systematic genocide against the Oromo.
Regarding the fate of these two engineers, the OLF strongly believes that the way Kenyan authorities have been handing over innocent Oromo refugees to the anti-Oromo Ethiopian criminal regime is against the relevant international conventions. We strongly request the Kenyan government to desist from this practice of the last 22 years of handing over innocent Oromo victims who seek refuge in their country. The Kenyan government cannot avoid sharing the responsibility of such murders of innocent people who they hand over to the notorious regime that is well known for its anti Oromo campaign.
The OLF extends its heartfelt condolence to the family relatives and friends of Engineer Tefahun and calls on the Oromo people to double the struggle for freedom as the only way to be free of such persecutions.
Victory to the Oromo People!
Oromo Liberation Front
August 25, 2013
Qarriffaan Bulguu Lafee Ilmaan Oromoo Qulqulluu Qorquu Barate, Tesfahun Camadaas Illee Alanfate
Mana hidhaa Qaalliitti keessatti kan du’e Ing. Tasfahun Camadaa ilaalchisuun ibsa ABO
Seenaa Gabaabaa Injinar Tasfaahun Camadaa Gurmeessaa
Injinar Tasfaahuun Camadaa abbaa isaa Obbo Camadaa Gurmeessaa fi harmee isaa Aadde Giddinesh Beenyaa irraa bara 1976 tti godina Wallagga Bahaa, aanaa Guduruu, ganda Harbuu jedhamutti dhalate. Tasfaahuun, carraa dhiphoo ilmaan Oromoo waanjoo gabrummaa jala jiraatanii barachuuf qaban argatan keessaa nama tokko ture.
Umuriin barnootaaf isa gahees barumsa isaa sadarkaa tokkoffaa fi gidduu galeessaa mana barumsaa Looyyaa fi Finca’aatti barachuun, kan sadarkaa lammaffaa ammoo magaala Shaambootti itti fufee bara 1996 xumure. Qabxii olaanaa galmeessuunis Yuunvarsiitii Finfinnee seenee gaafa Adoolessa bara 2001 Digrii jalqabaan (BSc) Civil Engineering eebbifame. Erga eebbifameen booda:
Umuriin barnootaaf isa gahees barumsa isaa sadarkaa tokkoffaa fi gidduu galeessaa mana barumsaa Looyyaa fi Finca’aatti barachuun, kan sadarkaa lammaffaa ammoo magaala Shaambootti itti fufee bara 1996 xumure. Qabxii olaanaa galmeessuunis Yuunvarsiitii Finfinnee seenee gaafa Adoolessa bara 2001 Digrii jalqabaan (BSc) Civil Engineering eebbifame. Erga eebbifameen booda:

Baddallee-Kolosirri, Gachii-Catee fi Yaanfaa- Ballattii;

projekti manaajerii ta’uun yoo dalagu;

Sababaa shakkii fi jibbinsa Wayyaneen ilmaan Oromoo qaroo irratti qabdu irraa Tesfahunsi dararamni itti baayyatuu irraan fi lubbuun barbaadamuu irraa biyya lakkisee jalqaba bara 2005 gara Keeniyaatti baqachuuf dirqame. Keeniyaa magaala Naayiroobiittis dhibdee fi dararaa hojjetee jiraachuuf isa rakkisee, biyyaa bahuuf murtii isa fudhachiise waajjira Mootummoota Gamtoomanitti Koomishinera Ol’aanaa Dhimma Baqattootaa (UNHCR)tti himachuun, nama nagaa roorroo dheessee nageenya ofiif dahannaa gaaafatu ta’uun gaafa mirkanaa’u waraqaa jireenyaa fi sochii UNHCR irraa argatee ture. Haa tahu malee sababaa gahaa fi qabatamaa osoo hin qabaatne gaafa 27/ 04/2007 walta’iinsa mootummaa Keeniyaa fi Wayyaneetiin waahila isaa hireen baqattummaa waliin isaan irra geesse, Injinar Masfin Abbabaa Abdiisaa waliin ukkaamfaman.
Dhaaba gaaddidduu mootummaa Ameerikaan hundaa’e biyyoonni akka Ugaandaa fi Keeniyaafaa miseensa itti ta’an, Joint Anti-Terrorism Task Force (JATT) jedhamu keessatti miseensa kan taate Itoophiyaan dahoo maqaa shororkeessitummaa adamsuu jedhuun ilmaan Oromoo baqattummaan biyyoota ollaa ishee jiraatan ukkaamsaa jiraachuun ishee beekamaa dha. Haaluma kanaanis Tasfaahun Camadaa fi Mesfin Abbabaa yakka dharaa maqaa shororkeessummaan faaluun gargaarsa mootummaa Keeniyaatti dhimma baatee ukkaamsuun sababa shororkeessitoota gaanfa Afrikaa Finfinneetti qoranna jedhuun (JATT East African Main Branch Investigation in Addis Abbaba)akka dabarfamanii isheef laataman gochuu dandeesse. Injinar Tasfaahuun Camadaa fi Injinar Masfin Abbabaas gaafa 12/05/2007 halkan keessaa sa’aatii 2:00 tti harkaa fi ija hidhamanii Moyyaaleerraan Itoophaatti dabarfamanii kennaman.
Biyyatti dabarfamuun duratti ammoo gaafa qabaman 27/04/2007 irraa kaasee hanga gaafa 12/05/2007 tti (National bureau of Investigation-NBI) head office naannoo Tirm Valley jedhamu jiru keessatti qorattoota FBI Amerikaa fi Keeniyaa Anti-Terror Police Unit jedhamaniin qoratamaa turan. Eerga qoramaata isaanii xumuranii booda dursaan qorannoo kanaa namni Fraansis jedhamus dargaggoonni ukkaamfaman kun yakka shororkeessitummaa waliin wal qabatu tokkkollee kan dalagan waan hin qabneef mootummaan Keeniyaa akka dafee gad isaan lakkisuu qabu murtii dabarse. Garuu dubartiin Keeniyaa Lelian jedhamtu tan waajjira CID jedhamu keessattiOfficer taate maallaqa harka wayaa jalaan wayyaanotaan afaan kaahamteef bitamtee ilmaan Oromoo qaroo sabaa turan dabarsitee laachuun abjuu isaanii doomsite. Carraa qulqullummaan hidhaa keessaa bahuuf qabanis jalaa galaafatte.
Haala akkas dabaan xaxameen Injinar Tasfaahuun Camadaa fi Injirner Mesfisn Abbabaa gara Maa’ikalaawwii, qilee lafee Oromoo qaqqaalii qorxomsee ammallee guutuu didee kan biraa dabalachuuf afaan banee taa’utti, kan darbataman. Maikalawwii keessatti waggaa tokko fi ji’a sadii guutuu reebicha fi dararama daangaa hin qabne jalatti qoratmaa bahan.
Yakka dharaa miseensummaa ABOtiin himatamee jireenya mana dukkaanaa waggaa fi ji’a sadiin duubatti Adoolessa bara 2008 mana murtiitti kan dhiyaate Tasfaahuun Camadaa, gaafa 31/03/2010 dhaddacha barcuma ilmaan Tigraayiin guutameen murtii hidhaa umurii guutuun akka hidhamu itti murteeffame. Du’a isaa arguun malee murtii kamiinuu quufuu kan hin dandeenye mootummaan wayyaanees, gaafa 04/04/2011 mana hidhaa keessaa milquuf karoorfataa jirtu jedhee sobaan yakkuudhaan Masfin Abbabaa fi Tasfaahuun Camadaa mana hidhaa keessaa ukkaamsee ciraa dhabamsiise. Gartuun Qorattootaa ilmaan Tigraay suduudaan Mallas Zeenaawwiin qajeelfamu bool’a keessatti bool’a biraa qotee, dukkana keessatti dukkana biraa qopheessuun hanga qaamni isaanii bututee sammuun isaanii hadoodutti reebichaan hunkuteesse. Dirmammuu qaamaa, madaa onnee fi godaannisa sammuu irraa fayyuu hin dandahamneen kan eele Tasfaahuun Camadaa dhukkubsatee akka hin yaalamne taassifamuun gaafa 24/08/2013 du’aan Addunyaa kana irraa boqate. Qarriffaan bulguu lafee ilmaan Oromoo qulqulluu qorquu barates dhiiga Injinar Tasfaahuun Camadaa qeensee habbuuqqate.
“Bilisa ta’eee dhaladhee, bilisa ta’ee jiraachuu dhorkamus bilisummaa kiyyaaf qabsaawaa du’uu irraa kan na dhorkuu danda’u humni tokkollee hin jiru, hin jiraatuus!” jechuun kan beekamu Injinar Tasfaahuun Camadaa, adeemsa daddagalfataa fi ulfaataa eegale galmaan gahuuf milkii itti dhabee aarsaa lubbuu ilmaan Oromoo kumaatamni Oromummaa isaanii qofaaf kanfalaa turanitti baasuun kichuutti cabee hafuuf dirqame.
ABO Injinar Tasfaahuun Camadaa, Inginir Mesfin Abbabaa fi ilmaan Oromoo yeroo yeroon akkaataan itti Kenya irraa mootummaa Wayyaneetti dabarfamanii kennaman Seera Qabaa Baqattoota Idil-Addunyaa kan cabsu waan taheef irra deebiin gadi jabeessee balaaleffata. Gochaan waggootaa 22 darban kana keessa deddeebi’ee raawatamaa ture kana mootummaan Kenya akka irraa dhaabbattu gaafata. Du’a suukanneessaa kanaaf kan gaafatamu mootummaa Wayyaanee qofa osoo hin taane mootummaan Kenyas gaafatama kana jalaa akka hin baane tahuu hubachiisa.
ABO maatii Tesfahun Camadaa gadda isaa ibsata. Inginer Tesfahun Camadaas kayyoo ati ittiin kufte bakkaan gahuuf ilmaan Oromoo kumatamaan kan ol kaafamee jiru waan taheef bakkaan akka gahamu mirkaneessa!
Injifatnoo Ummata Oromoof!
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo!
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