September 6, 2013
Enough is Enough! Enough is Enough!
Oromo in Action Photo report
Report of the demo images UOSG
Frankfurt, 30.08.2013

Report Organized by the UOSG , HOB and VOMN protest demonstration in Frankfurt
Of the Union of Oromo Students in Germany ( Union of Oromo Students in Germany – UOSG ) in collaboration with the Association of Oromo in Berlin ( HOB) and the Association of Oromo in Munich and surroundings ( Homn ) referring protest demonstration took place on 31.08.2013 before the Ethiopian consulate, Escher Landstrasse 105-107 , in Frankfurt am Main.
The protest event was directed against the act committed by the TPLF regime human rights violations and tyranny in Oromia , and was awarded by the solidarity of the union of Ogadenia and numerous participation of the members and the Oromo nationals from all parts of Germany, special glamor.
To remove the call with the calls was already sent to different organizations.
The aim of the demonstration
1.the TPLF regime in Ethiopia Dunning that the crime is that the regime exercises every day brought to justice
2.the to inform people in Germany about the situation in Oromia & Ogadenia
3.Before to show all that we are never alone killed the freedom , democracy and human rights will
4.Recognize EU countries and all helpers to move the tyranny in Ethiopia not to Finance
5.the recent killings of the civilian population, including Political in Arsi zone Kofele , Oromo issue Linge eg Engineering Tesfahun Chemeda in Kaliti prison sentencing , etc.
To put 6.a sign that the common resistance of the oppressed will be victorious
7.Too clarify that such actions will continue as long as our requests are not met
The protest was highly emotional but also disciplined and peaceful even though it took place before the eyes of our families represent the tormentors. The usual and well-known films to the participants by the consulate staff had no intimidating effect on the participants. On the contrary, the readings and the calls went still fully committed to the planned end.
At the end of the event would consider Mr. Mekonnen Gurmessa as representatives of the organizers and a closing speech turned to the participants and they come Thanked number for the Empire and active participation of all the participants present and swearing to do again and again to the freedom of our people .
The event ended successfully at 13:00 clock .
Board of UOSG

Tokkummaa Barattoota Oromoo Biyyaa Jarmanii (TBOJ)
Union of Oromo Students in Germany (UOSG)
Koree Hojii Geggessituu TBOJ
UOSG Executive Committee
Regensburg, Germany
Tel: 0049(0)152 13802604
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