The following is a statement from the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA).
Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA)

It was with profound sadness and deep grief that the Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) received the news of the passing away of Mr. Bekele Nadhi on February 11, 2014.
Mr. Bekele Nadhi was one of the founding members and the first Vice Chairman of the Board of the Human Rights League (HRL), when it was first formed in Ethiopia in 1996. Mr. Bekele Nadhi served the organization in this capacity until it was silenced by the EPRDF government of Ethiopia.
On behalf of the HRLHA, members of its executive board, its staff, and on my behalf, I wish to convey our heartfelt and deepest condolence to Mr. Bekele Nadhi’s family and close friends.
Indeed, the passing away of Mr. Bekele Nadhi is a big loss to the Oromo Nation as a whole, as Mr. Bekele was one of the dedicted servants of the people. For decades, Mr. Bekele Nadhi was a source of hope, inspiration and impeccable leadership for the Oromo Nation in its struggle against the domination by the Abyssinian ruling class, and became a symbol of the struggle for freedom, justice, equality, and dignity for the Oromo Nation. His selfless sacrifice inspired many freedom loving Oromos in Oromia to fight for justice, freedom and human rights. He leaves us behind with a legacy and great vision to attain greater changes and growth for the Oromo people.
At this time of bereavement, we, in the HRLHA, wish Mr. Bekele Nadhi’s family and close friends strength and well-being.
May his legacy live on, and may his soul rest in eternal peace.
Garoma B. Wakessa
Executive Director
Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) source ( )
Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) source ( )
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