Friday, 2 August 2013
Oromo peaceful protest in Washington D.C
About 200 activists gathered in front of the White House to draw attention to human rights violations and targeted repression of Oromo people in Ethiopia. The Oromo makeup about half of Ethiopian population.
Despite their numerical majority, the Oromo remain largely marginalized. Starting about 10a.m. friday, activists from Washington D.C and surrounding areas called on the U.S government to exert more pressure on Addis Ababa. “Obama we count on you for restoration of human rights in Ethiopia,” the activists chanted.

“No taxpayers money for dictators.”
The rally, organized by Oromo Youth Association in DMV area, Oromo Community Organization in D.C, and Oromo Studies Association, is intended to draw attention to human rights violations, call on #Ethiopiato free political prisoners, and ask the government to halt land grabs.
They also called on UNHCR and other human rights organization to protect Oromo refugees in Egypt, Yemen, Djibouti and other places.
Source:-Opride facebook page
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