Just think about China or Japan instigating revolution in Hawaii or Guam. Before some of you hyper patriots get your panties in a wad, step back and look at the history of Ukraine and Sevastopol. And find other news sources–other than the Nutly News.
Right or wrong, well, that apparently depends on whose side of the propaganda war you are on. As the US-led west flaps it’s jaws about Ukraine, Russia’s Putin and the mayor of Sevastopol, along with the purported Prime Minister of Crimea have signed agreements.
Critics told various US presidents that their excursions into Iraq and Afghanistan would come back to bite them on the hindquarters, and here it is. Now the US and western media are splitting many hairs, thing to condemn Putin for doing what the US has perfected in the last 20 years: invading a sovereign nation and inserting themselves in its internal politics.
Critics told various US presidents that their excursions into Iraq and Afghanistan would come back to bite them on the hindquarters, and here it is. Now the US and western media are splitting many hairs, thing to condemn Putin for doing what the US has perfected in the last 20 years: invading a sovereign nation and inserting themselves in its internal politics.
As CNN notes,
Putin hailed the ballot in an address to a joint session of Parliament Tuesday, saying the nearly 97% of its residents who voted to join Russia was “an extremely convincing figure.”
Robert Perry condemns mainstream media’s coverage of the events, saying the American media has sunk to new lows in covering the Crimean catastrophe. He compars the situation in the Crimea to the coverage of the Iraq invasion 11 years ago.
Robert Perry condemns mainstream media’s coverage of the events, saying the American media has sunk to new lows in covering the Crimean catastrophe. He compars the situation in the Crimea to the coverage of the Iraq invasion 11 years ago.
s the Ukraine crisis continues to deepen, the mainstream U.S. news media is sinking to new lows of propaganda and incompetence. Somehow, a violent neo-Nazi-spearheaded putsch overthrowing a democratically elected president was refashioned into a “legitimate” regime, then the “interim” government and now simply “Ukraine.”
The Washington Post’s screaming headline on Sunday is “Ukraine decries Russian ‘invasion,’” treating the coup regime in Kiev as if it speaks for the entire country when it clearly speaks for only a subset of the population, mostly from western Ukraine. The regime’s “legitimacy” comes not from a democratic election but from a coup that was quickly embraced by the U.S. government and the European Union.
Objective U.S. journalists would insist on a truthful narrative that conveys these nuances to the American people, not simply behave as clumsy propagandists determined to glue “white hats” on the side favored by the State Department and “black hats” on everyone that the U.S. government disdains. But virtually the entire mainstream press corps has opted for the propaganda role, much as it has in the past.
Source: Before it is news
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