Monday, August 12, 2013

Emergency Requires Urgency | Sardaan Sardama Gaafata

Sardaan Sardama Gaafata

Ibsaa Guutama irraa* | Adolessa 2013
Qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo ijaarsaan jalqaba miilla fuudhuutt kan ka’e wareegama dabankufoota Oromoon ture. Sanaan jija boonsaa hedduutu galmeeffame. Kan dursanii gosaan, godinaa fi dhugeeffannoon eenyummaa ofii himuu barsiifata godhatanii turan akka “An Oromoo dha” ofiin jechuun kangahan lubbuu takkittii qaban itt baasaniitu.
Sanaan raatessaan falfala koloneeffatoo ni cabe. Sun jija boqonnaa qabsoo jalqabaa keessaa tokko. Sun hundi itt haa wareegaman malee akeeki qabsaawotaa fi fedhii ummata Oromoo sanaan manii akeekameef gahe jechuu miti. Kan badiisa irra oolanii fi dhalooti haaraan injifannoolee itt daddabaluun gabbisu jedhamee abdatama. Wareegama darbeeen dhaadachuu qofti manii sanaan hin gahu. Kan argamanitt iggitii tolchanii boqonnaa itt haanuutt shaffisaan darbuun yeroo hin kennu. Qabsoo ijaaramaan yeroo eegale qabsaawoti akeeka taliila fi dadhabbii kan hin himanne turan. Deemsa keessa garuu qelleensi gidduu lixee argaa saanii dimimmiseesuu fi humna saanii xuuxuutt ka’e. Dura deemoon kaayyoo walabummatt fincilan hundi yaadota dullacha adii irra diban malee fala haaraa as hin baafne. Sun ABOn baataa hangameessa(standard bearer) warraaqsa Oromoo akka ta’e raggaasisa. ABOn ayyaana hawwa sabaa, bitintirsuu yoo hin taane hedduun faaluu yaalani itt hin milkoofne. Yeroo laafinaa kana hamajaajiin durii kan ummaticha babankaasuuf carraa argatan itt fakkaatee ture. Dargaggoon Oromoo golee baqqaana kaabaa fi kibbaa hunda keessaa gad yaa’uun sagalee tokkoon “Nuti hunda dura Oromoo dha” jedhaniin.
Ummatoota hedduutu empayerra Itiyoophiyaa jala jira. Akka diinaatt, Oromoon jara sana irraa addummaa himatan hin qaban. Kanaafis Oromoon akka addaanjirott gaaffii kophaatt gaafatan hin qabani jechuu dha. Isaaniif Oromoon bakki itt of argaa jiranii fi eenyu akka tahan kan uumaan murteeffame waan ta’eef haala jiru keessa seenanii borcuun irra hin jiru jedhu. Ilaalchi biraa Oromoon seenaan, daangaan haata’u daaya addunyaaf qabaniin hunda irraa addummaa himatan qabu kan jedhu. Gaaffoliin saanii olloota saanii irra mirkanii seenaa jireenya walaba ta’e qabaachuu irra ka’u. Isaanis gaaffii mirga dhalootaa, kan eenyummaa, kan mirga hiree sabummaa ofii hanga walabummaati ofiin murteeffachuutii. Mirgoota kana qabaachuu saanii galtuun hin liqifamneefis jiru. Akka isa jalqabaatt Itoophiyummaa Oromoo gaaffiif dhihessuun gardhabaa. Akka isa lammafatt Itoophiyummaan kan humnaan irratt fe’ame waan taheef digaluu dhiiga saanii xuxu malee qaamummaa walirraa hin qabani. Jaalbiyyummaan(patriotism) saanii, Oromummaa, boona seenaa, aadaa fi dudhaa dhalootaan daddarba dhufe keessaa madda.
Kanneen walabummaa hin feene akka Oromoott ba’aan cunqursaa fe’ame jiru hin haalani. Garu jara biraan harka walqabannee qabsaawuun empayericha demokratessine walqixummaan jala jiraanna jedhu. Inni biraammoo hariiroo moo’aa fi moo’amaa, koloneeffataa fi kolonaawaa humnaan itt fe’ame ofirraa finqilchanii walabummaan akka jireenya fulduraa sodaa fi doorsisa qaama alaa malee murteeffatan gochuuf qabsaawuu dha kan jedhu. ABOn kanneen akka Oromoo kolonomaniin wajjin fedha bilisaan walii tumsuun akka danda’amu imaammata saa beekamaa dha. Qabsaawuuf murteeffachuun garuu kan abbaati jedha. Qabsoon ABOn eegalame Oromoon mirga hiree sabummaa ofii ofiin murteeffachuuti dhimma bahanii walabummaa saanii akka gonfataniif kan akeekate ture. Innis Republika Oromiyaa demkratoftuu dhaabanii hojii irra oolcuun fiixan baha jedha. Sochiin bilisummaa Oromoo takkaa Itoophiyoomuu akeekkatee hin beeku. Oromoon ummata Afrika hunda obbolummaan ilaala. Isaanis akka sanatt malee akka jalee yk maxxannee eenyuuttuu yoo ilaalan hin fudhatu. Habashota akka ummatoota Afriikaa keessaa tokkoott fudhata. Hanga isaan Oromoo ummata isaaniin walqixxee fi walaba, biyya fi mirga saa irratt abbaa ta’uu saa beekaniifitt naannichi nagaa fi tasgabi argachuun rakkisaa ta’a. Sun sirna fi yaada ofii demokraatessuu gaafata. Filmaati kan saaniitii kan biraa hin laalu. “Dheeratee muraa jennaan, abbaatu of mara jette bofti” jedhama.
Oromoon seenaa demokratummaa qabu. Si’ana, demokraasii kan aangoo irra jiran hundatu himataa. Kan of muudes kan ummati kennates waluma qixxee ittiin dhaadata. Oromoof demokrasiin caasaa jireenya saanii keessaatt kan ijaarame ture. Kanaaf yeroo murteeffamett angoo walitt dabarsuun morkii fi lola kaasee hin beeku. Dhalooti hundi hawaasa keessatt bakkaa fi qooda gumaachu sadarkaa sadarkaan qaba ture. Golli darabeen saa gahe hoggana filachuuf wal keessatt dorgomuun ni jiraata. Sun gadaa tokko irra hin dhangala’uu. Oromoon gaggaba ilmoon namaa aangoof qabu waan beekuuf daangaa cimaa itt tolche.
Akka demokrasii Lixaatt angoo malbulchaa qabachuuf qaadhimamooti qabeeenya hedduu itt dhangalasu. Kanaaf kanneen qaban yk kan qabaniin dhiheffamantu wal dorgomuu danda’a. Golotii dorgommeef dhihaatan utuu harka walitt hin darbin qubqabsiis (media) fi yaa’iin of dhaadhessuun fudhatama argachuu yaalu.Utuu wal hin ajjeesinii fi hedduu wal hin madeessin waldanda’anii sirna nagaan angoo waljijjiiran diriirfachuu dandahaniiru. Sun kennataa murteessaa godhe. Kan barana kufan isa itt haanutt mo’uuf kan darbe irratt dogoggora coruu battaluma eegalu. Karaa argame hundaan balleessaa nakkarii saaxilu hin dhaabani. Wal irratt bobba’uun qaama demookrasii ammayyaa Lixaa tahu hubachuun dansa. Kun haala bulcha ummata qabsoo sabummaa fixatee heera waloo irratt waliigaleeti. Garee qabsoo hin fixatin seerri waloon isaan golgu hin jiru. Safuu qofatu gidduu jiraachuu danda’a. Malbulcheesitooti Oromoo si’anaa diina dhiifnee wali irratt maaf bobbaana jedhu. Hariiroon saanii kan michuu gidduu utuu hin ta’in kan masaanolii ta’uu irraanfatu. Dirree qabsoo keessatt diinaa fi masaanuu gargar fuudhuun salphaa hin ta’u. Lachanuu kan walabummaa ummata saaniif bobba’an akka milkaawan hin barbaadani. Sun kan hafuu danda’u yoo hanga waliin nagaan deemnu dandeenyu qabna jedhanii adda bobbaa yeroo ummachuu danda’an qofa. Waliigaltee akka sanaa qofatu walitt darbuu ittisu danda’a ta’a. Waan halleefuu gamtaan morka irra bu’a akka qabu hin haalamu.
Golaa fi gareen wal ijaaruu fi ilaalcha fedhe guddifachuu fi akka fedhanitt of ifsuun mirga ilmoo namaati. San jechuun ilaalcha ofii minyeessanii kan nakkarii busheessuun akka jechuutii. Dudhaa Oromoott qabattee irratt wal mormuu fi wal balaaleffachuun seera. Haa tahu malee ilmoon namaa ulfoott fudhatama. Yaada malee qaama haa ta’uu ulfina qaban tuquun safuu dha. Kanaa fi kan timjii namatt hin ceene tokko yaada saaf arrabsuun nama xiqqeessa. Garuu qabattee inni dhiheesse cenceranii faallaa inni bu’aa ummataatt fiduu danda’u saaxiluun aadaa dorgomeeti. Nakkarii jechuun as irratt abba tokkoota yk garoota tahitaa walirraatt hin qabne waliin dorgoman jechuufi. Maaliifuu kaayyoo adda adda oofaa wal nakkaruun kan heera tokko jalatt bulaniin wal gidduutt gaggeeffamuun adda tahu hubachuun dansa. Ummati Lixaa demokrasii kan fudhatan nagaa fi tasgabin waldorgomuu kan caalu akka hin jirre hubataniitu. Kanaaf olhantummaa seera tokkoo (heera) jalatt angoo qabachuuf wal jarjarsuun guutummaatt bolola jedhamee dhihachuu hin qabu. Aangoon akeeka bakkaan gahuuf seeran tolfamu barbaachisaa dha. Bolola kan tahu seera cabsanii ofittummaa ana malee nammi hin jiru jedhu keessaa yoo madde.
Jarri Lixaa, rimsama demokrasii finnaa magaala Grikii durii kan guddifatan, bulchi tasgabii qabu akka guddinaaf tolu erga hubataniiti. Duran abbaa humnaatu kan fixe fixee angoo qabata ture. Sana duuba, wal danda’anii angoo waljijjiiruf sirna kan caasachuu eegalan. Nageenya lubbuu fi qabeenya ofii balaa irra oolchuuf anjaa qabaateef malee ammallee qacceen walfixuu sun keessaa mullattii. Kan hedduun anga’oo abbaa hirroota addunyaa sadaffaan michomanis waan seerri biyya saanii hin hayyamneef isaan hojjechiisuufi. Biyya saanii keessattis wal hatuu, lafa jala wal hadhuu fi shira wal irratt xaxuun akka balleessaatt yeroo yeroon yoo saxilamu argama. Oromoof olhantumman seera aadaa dha jenneerra. Sana jechuun yoo fedhan duubbee itt deebi’an qabu jechuu dha. Akkaataa goloti adda addaa nagaa fi atoomaan itt sosso’an bara biyya argatan tumata. Feenaan Gadaan madda dureessaa.
Lixumaafuu maxansaa buleen (blueprint)demokrasii waloon hordofamu hin jiru. Garuu hundi olhaantummaa seeraa ni fudhatu. Miirri ilmoo namaa hedduu fi walxaxaa dha. Waliigalanii luugama itt tolchan malee “baraarama jabina kan qabuu” isa jedhan sana taha. Haalli Gaanfa Afrikaa keessa si’ana jiru sana. Kan danuun/tasii seenaa angoo itt kennetu jara of dagate butuchaa jira. Yoo shaffisaan falatan malee kan isaan irra jiru caalaa gabbataa fi jabaataa yoo deemu isaan huuqqataa muuyya’aa deemuu fi leeyi saan gaaffi jala galuun waan hin oolle. Gurguddoon Habashaa biyya ofiifuu olhantummaa seeraa fudhachuun abjuunuu itt hin mullatu. Kanaaf kolonoti of irratt rukutu yk hala jirutt amananii buluu malee fala hin qabani. Tokko tokko sossobachuun koloneeffatoon haammatamuu ni yaalu ta’a. Raatessaa olhaanaa sadoo fi tuffii jara ummatoota muuyyo Afrikaatti akeekkatan jala akka jiran qayyabachuu dadhabu. Ofii irratti amantee dhabuunis jira.
Uumaan jijjiiramaa jiraata malee kantara hin leellisu. Kanaaf dhaabi kamuu akka eegalett hafuu hin danda’u. Hawaasi guddina mirkanbeekii fi teknolojii wal fudhata yoo deemuu baate ni bososa. Kanaaf jaarmota dhuunfaa haa ta’anii kan ambaa hedduun mala jijjiirrataa of haromsaa yoo deeman mullatu. Koloneeffatoonillee Minilikii kaasee hanga Wayyaaneetti tooftaa jijijjirrachuun yeroon wal fudhachiisaa dhufuu saanii hubachuun ni gaha. Bara si’anaa bakka hallee yeroo yeroon sagantaalee barumsaa fi leejjisaa of deebisanii haromsuuf tolfaman sana mirkaneessu. Dhaaba malbulchaa irraas sanaa gadi hin eegamu. Meeshaaleen teknolojiin homishaman hedduutu hojiirra oolaa jiraa. Wal qunnamtii, mala, wal kakaasuu haa tahu lolaaf kan bahaniin yoo walbaruu hin dandeenye diina sana fudhate waliin mormuun ni ulfaata. Yoo meeshicha dhaban illee jiraachuu fi akka inni itt hojjetu baruun balaa irra nama oolchuu danda’a. Diina irraa buufatanii dhimma itti bahuus ni anjessa. Kanaaf kan akaakileen “Akka durii fi harka xuriitt hin hafan” jedhan yaadachuu dha.
Akkaata itt ilaalanii fi itt hojjetan haromfataa deemuun dirqii dha malee filannoo miti. Sana jechuun utuu kan kaasaa taheef jiruu akeeka bu’uura jijjiirrachuu jechuu miti. Kan qaban qara baasuu jechuu dha. “Kaayyoo kaayyoo jettu waggaa afurtama keessatt jijjirama waan hin finne” kan jedhan jiru. Kaayyoon ilaalcha hawwaa fi fedha ummataa calaqisuu malee ofiin of raajiin hojiirra kan olchu miti. Sababi qabsoon lalisu dhabe mudaa qabsaawotaatii, hariiroo Oromoo fi addunyaatu rakkina qabaa, jedhanii gaafachuun gaarii dha. EPLF fi TPLF addota bilisummaati, maaliif isaan milkaawanii OLF hankaake? Kan qorate jira? EPLF tooftaa lolaa malee kaayyoo bilisummaa hin jijjiirin milkaawe. TPLF Tigrayiin erga harkatt galfatee duuba kan dura dhaabbatu dhabnaan tarsiimoo jijjiirrate. Tigrooti Habashaa akka mootummaa Shaggar tureeti. Fincilli saanii aarii qooda keenyaa dhabnee irra madde. Oromoon ummata isaan irra adda ta’e kan akaakileen saanii humnaan qabatanii. Qooda utuu hin ta’in biyya fi mirga keenya dhabnee jedhu. Empayera Itiyophiyaa jalaa bahuuf wuxxifachuun attamitt dogoggora ta’a? Tigirooti dadhabaa argatanii itt darbaan malee Shawaa jala hin bullu jedhaa hin baane? Oromoon isin jala hin bulu yoo jedhe balleessaan saa maanni? Saba guddaa kana marmarree uka yaroo keessa suuquutu aanjawa jechuun ummaticha hafee kan dhagggeeffatuu ni loca.
Dabballooti ABOtt dudda galfatan jaarmaa cimaa fi humna onnachiisaa utuu hin ijaarratin gooftolii waliin haa dhoofsisnuu jedhu. Naaphi garaa saatt “Wadeet kaffi kaffi” akka jedhu kan beeknu irraa heduu hin dadhabnu. Kan isaan angoo irratt walifixaa bahan bu’aa kolonoota Kibbaa, keessaayyuu Oromiyaa irra argachuu danda’aniif. Hanga ango olhaanaa qabaatanitt maal godhi jedhanii waliin dhoofsisuu? Jalummaa fi malee walqixxummaaf akka hin jenne mirkaniin sana agarsiisu hin jiru. Oromoo ammallee “walabummaa” jedhaniin, dabballooti sun “seenaa keessatt cabbaawanii kan hafan” jechuunii hin qaana’ani. Seenaa garbummaa keessa giixxa’uu manna kan jedhan sana keessatt kantaruu hin wayyuu laata? Jarana, sagalee tokkoon ummati Oromo waan barbaadu bilisummaan himachuu hin qabu? Oromoon saba tokkummaan of dhiheessuu danda’u moo funaansa wayyiti laata? Inni lammaffaan tuffii ta’a, Oromoon saba biyya takkittii fi hiree tokkicha himatu. Utuu halagaa waliin waa’ee tokkoomu dubbachuutt hin cehin hiree saa murteeffachuu qaba. Karaan qabsaawotaan bahu sana kan hankaaksu utuu hin ta’in kan achiin gahu yoo ta’e sololo’aa. Kan karaa akkasii fudhatan walii tumsuu dandahu.
Qabsoo Oromoo irratt caalaa jechuuf, ummata tokkoof qabsaawaa jirra kan jennu alii ali dantuu(picture) guddicha kan dagannu fakkaata. Dantuu guddichi ummati keenya harqoota kolonummaa jalaa baa’ee hiree saa irratt abbaa ta’uu dha. Dargaggooti qaraa kaasichaaf of kennitee qabsoo lubbuu see gaafate eegalte. Sana gochuuf caasaa diriirfamee jaarmaan uumame. Wanti godhamus qoqqodamee yeroo yeroon gamagamamuun sadarkaa itt haanutt akka cehamu agarsiifamee ture. Deemsa keessa garuu sababa adda addaatin dantuu inni guddaan ni irraanfatame. Wal amanteen qabsaawota giddu baquutt kaate. Keessa deebistuu fi luxxee galtuuf haalli ni mijjaawe. Waci wagoota yartuu dura ture, walitti qabammi ayyaanlaallatoo, xexxebi “walitti baqa” jedhu unkeffamuun, attamitti akka haaloti mimicciramanii afanfajjii uumuun qabsoo ummataa karaa irraa ceesisuun yaalame nu yaadachiisu. Waggota shanii oliif nu malee warraaqan hinjiru, nu malee walaboo fi bilisoon hin dhalanne jedhanii burraaqaa kan turan hardha eessa akka jiran kan agarru. Edaa isaan karaa jalqabne irra nu dagachiisuufi malee dhimma bilisummaa ta’ee walabummaa hin qaban turani. Reef baranne. Haaloota akkasii lafjalee fi muldhatootu qabsoo guddina dhowwee. Kaayyoo xaliilaa fi kan itt cichan jiraachuutu qabsicha bitintirsaa asiin gahe. Qabsaawoti darban asiin gahaniiru. Kaleessi karaa hardhaan gahu baasa malee hardha jiraachisee boritt ceesisuu hin danda’u. Tokko tokkoon dhaloota bara tokko walitt fufinsa irratt qooda bahatu qabaa. Sochii bilisummaatt makamanii qabsoo keessaa fi alaa gaggeessuun waamicha hin eeggatu.
Balaa fi jijjirama ummata tokkotti dhufu yo waliin jiraatanii gidiraa isaanirra gahu hirmatan caalaatt qayyabachuun dandahama. Kanneen isinii qabsoofna jedhaniin, isaan waliin jiraachuun waan isaan keessa darban hunda muuxachuu qabu. Sana malee “Bara abbaa Gadaa kan duude adaraa Abbaa Gadaa jedhaa jiraata” isuma jedhan ta’a. Yoo hin argine yookaan tuqamuun hin suukofne murtii roga qabu kennuun ni rakkisa. Sabboonoti kaayyoo walabummaatt amanan kan isinii jira jedhee da’oo qopheessuuf hin qaban. Oromoon seexaa ofiif amanamoo ta’uu qofaan hidhaatt guuramaa, ajjeefamaa, baqa irratt balaan harcaafamaa, butamanii biitteen saanii dhibaa jira. Lafti saanii kan biraaf kennamuun isaan araddaa akaakilee irra ari’amanii kadhatuu ta’aa jiru. Akka barbaadanitt bilisummaan hoo qubaa galchuuf dhorgamaa jiru. Dinni akka duriitt jiraachisuuf sabichatt karaa halleen duulaa jira. Ummati bakka itt baqatu dhabe. Karaa bahan haa ta’u qabbanni nagaan keessatt da’atan hin jiru.
Kanaaf bakka miilli geessett baqatu. Kaan doonii citte irratt utalanii irbaata qurxummii ta’u, kaan biyya aloott rukuttaa aduu fi hiddaa qanjeebuun, baddaatt bineensan nyaatamanii hafu. Kan daangaa cehuu dandahan kan du’anirraa qofa wayyoo dha. Haala sana jalattillee hedduun abdii hin kutanne. Jannummaan roorroo jala dhaabbatan. Ifaajjee ogneessotaa, barreessotaa, barattootaa fi hayyoota keenya kan ayyaana Oromummaa haala akkasii jalatt jiraachisaniin hedduu onnachiifamne. Dargaggoon guyyuu caalaatt ofbara malbulchaa, bilchinaa ilaalchaa fi warraaqxummaa agarsiisaa jiru. Sanaaf aadaa fi afaan nyaaphi balleessine se’e deebi’ee akka lalisu ta’aa jira. Giidoo fi dhimmammi dargaggoon agarsiisan duubatt deebi’uun akka hin jirre nu abdachiisa. Garuu sun qofti gahaa miti. Dhaabi malbulchaa isaanii qindeessuu fi masaku jiraachuu qaba. borii Sun luba qopheessuu mijjeessa.
ABOn dhaaba fedha ummataa yeroo jalqabaaf calaqisuun kaayyoo sabaa qabate ka’e. Daaya(vision) dhaloota tokkoo utuu hin ta’in kan dhalootaa dhalootatt darbu lafa kaa’ee. Kanaaf kaayyichi hanga ummatichi miidhamaa jirutt kan jijjiiramu miti. Hogganooti garuu buqqa’uus du’uus, ganuus ni danda’u. Kuumalee lammaffaa kana keessa ABOn jeeqama guddaa heera fi seera ittiin masakamu burkuteessetu irra gahe. Aangoon ittiin naamusa tiksu harkaa mucucaate. Kanaaf furmaati warraaqxota irra eegama. Hanga deebisanii heera haaraa tumatanitt masaka yeroo labsachuun seerawaa ta’a. Yeroon saa yero sardaatii. Bakka heerri hin jirrett waa’ee heera caccabee utuu hin ta’in akka itt badiisa irra oolantu mari’atamuu fi hojiitt furamuu qaba. Miseensi godaa hanga gubbaatt akeeka tokko qabaatee akka walfudhatu gochuun durfannoo qaba. Walhubannoon bantiitt ta’e hundeett hin calaqifamu taanaan rakkinatu jira. Shaffisaan itt bobba’uu gaafata. Kan walhubanne jedhan ammallee kara karaa ofii ummatatt dhihaatu taanaan wanti halle bukoo dha jechuu dha. Ummati homisha bilchaataa arguu barbaada. Ammallee “nuu fi isin“ kan jedhan yoo jiraatan kan kan utuu hin qulqullaawin hafee jira jechuu dha. Sana hubachuu dadhabuun babbaqaqina caalaa afeeruu dha. Kanaaf waan naanna’a jiru qayyabatanii jannummaan kutannoo fi of kennuun itt bobba’uu dha.
Jaalbiyyooti jeequmsa irra qaarsisanii akkaataa dhaabicha karaa irra buusan argamsiisuuf abbawummaa fudhachuu qabu. Sochiin akkasii namguddinaa fi of kenna gaafata. Eenyuu akka murnaatt haa ta’uu akka abba tokkeett dhiibbaa gara adda addatiin itt dhufu qabaachuu danda’a. Garuu hunda caalaa waliif gurra kennuun wan jaalbiyyummaan gaafatu. Dhiibbaa hunda irra haanuuf shira yartuu utuu hin ta’in marii keessaanlaali feesisa. Walii beekanii yoo walii falan waliin fayyuu. Qabsoo biyya keessaaf haa ta’u malbeekiif (diplomacy) sagantaa yeroo baafachuun durfannoo qaba. Ilaalcha tolaan jiraannaan caasaa sana hojiirra oolchuu diriirsuu fi hojii qooddachuun kan dhibu hin fakkaatu. Abbaawummaa hirmachuun waliigalaan ta’uu qaba malee warraaqxotaaf morkisaa ta’uun irra hin jiru. Shaakalichi kan abba tokkott gurra bitu utuu hin ta’in kan sadoo ummata saaniitt aggaamame gargar ciruun jeequmsa keessaa injifannoon kan itt bahan ta’uutu eegama. Sabichii fi miseensoti guyyaa qabsaawoti hooggansa yeroo, warraaqaa tokkome tolfatan jechuun itt himamu dharaan eegataa jiru. Hooggansichi Kora rakkinoota jiran irratt murti kennu waamuu fi dirqama warraaqsaa gidduutt irra gafatamu akka bahatu eegama. San qofatu abdii ummataa butute dhinsuu danda’a. Tarkaanffiin hooggansi yero ABO kun fudhatu dhaabota akeeka tokko qaban waliin hiriirsuuf furtuu dha. Sanaaf muuxannoon THBO ijaaruutt argame irraa ka’a ta’uu danda’a.
Wareegammi ilmaan Oromoo walabummaa biyya saaniif baasanii injifannooleen galmeessan balaan itt aggaamama jira. Boqonnaan qabsoo tokko injifannooleen yoo xumuramue illee inni ittaanu jeequmsa qiliilee keessa seene jira. Sanaanis tokkummaan kallacha qabsoo Oromoo, ABO qorumsa jala seene. Garuu ABOn tokkicha yoomu hin biinxa’amu, yoomuu hin badu. ABOn “ Jalqaba Oromoo dha” Itophiyaa ta’uuf hin ijaaramne. Tokkummaa kana jabeessuuf sabboonoti hoggansa irra jiran itt gaafatama seenaa qabu. ABOn seerri jiguun kaarra uumame hoggansa yeroo dhaabbatee irra cehaatu abdatama. Yeroon saa saardaa dha. Tartiiba barame hunda irra tarkaanfatanii gara sabicha, sabboonotaa fi kaayyoo badii irra oolchuutti tarkaanfachuun kan yeroo kennu miti. Ammaa!! Milkiin qabsoo qabsaawota Oromoo harka jira, fiixan baasuun dirqama saaniiti. Sardaan sardama gaafata. Oromoon xaxaa itt marfame qabsoon kukkutee keessaa baha. Tokkummaan sochii walabummaa Oromiyaa ni jabaata. Qabsoon itt fufa!

Emergency Requires Urgency

By Ibsaa Guutama* | July 2013
The organized struggle for liberation started to take the first step with sacrifice of Oromo martyrs. With that, many remarkable achievements were registered. They gave for their people, the only precious thing they had – their lives – to enable all Oromo say, “I am an Oromo” instead of identifying themselves first with a tribe, region or religion. That broke colonialists spell put on them. That was one of the achievements in the first chapter of the struggle. It does not mean the objectives of activists and aspirations of the people has reached their desired goal with all the sacrifices. Those who survived the carnage and the new generation is expected to make more efforts and sacrifices to reach a victorious end. Reminiscing on past achievements alone cannot take one there. It requires urgency to secure the gains and proceed to the second chapter. When the struggle got started, activists had a clear objective and were indefatigable. But, with time, there were interference that blurred their vision and sucked their strength. Some, among pioneers who rebelled against the “kaayyoo,” had no alternative to offer in overcoming the difficulties encountered than whitewashing obsolete ideas. That proved OLF as the standard bearer of the Oromo revolution. OLF is spirit of the people that no one was able to corrupt though able to put it off balance. At this juncture of sluggishness, old enemies thought they got the opportune time to dismantle the nation. Oromo youth came out from all corners and told them that they can no more be silenced. All, from northern to southern hemispheres, told them in one voice “We are Oromo first.”
There are many peoples under the Ethiopian empire. For the enemy, the Oromo does not have difference from all the rest to claim exclusive right. For this reason, they say the Oromo have no different question as a separate entity. For them, the Oromo are what they are and where they are because providence ordained it and so should not try to mess up with the status quo. Another view is that the Oromo have historical, territorial, and world vision difference from all others. Their question is based on historical facts of having had independent existence from their neighbors. It is a question of birth right, of identity, and of national self-determination up-to and including independence. There are few sycophants that accept most of these, but could not swallow the right for independence and difference of world vision. According to the first, to question ‘Oromo being Ethiopian’ is absurd. According to the second, ‘being Ethiopian’ was imposed on them by force. It is only a parasite to suck their blood, and they have never been part of it from free will. Their patriotism emanates from Oromummaa, pride of distinct history, culture and tradition that has come down from generation to generation.
Those who disfavor independence do not deny that there is a burden imposed on the Oromo. But, they want others to join them in a struggle to democratize the empire and to live in it as equals. The others say that they have to get rid of the imposed relation of the victor and the vanquished – the colonized and the colonizer, and determine their destiny without fear or threat from any external body. They take an attempt to democratize an empire as a joke. OLF has put in its program the possibility of voluntary alliance based on their free will with those colonized like them. But, to initiate struggle is the right of those concerned. The struggle initiated by the OLF has its objective for the Oromo to attain independence by utilizing their right to national self-determination. That is to be consummated by establishing the democratic republic Oromiyaa. Some, who claim to conduct a research to bring to light the plight of the Oromo, gloss over this fact. The Oromo liberation movement had never had ‘being Ethiopian’ as its objective. The Oromo look up on all African peoples as siblings. Unless they also take them as such, the Oromo will not accept being viewed as any one’s subordinate or appendage. It considers the Habashaa as one among African peoples. Until they take the Oromo as an equal who have authority on own territory and rights, it is difficult for the region to have peace and stability. That may require democratizing their system. The choice is their own, and concerns no one. As the saying goes, “When they said let it be cut for it is too long, the snake replied, it is up to one to roll oneself.”
The Oromo have history of democracy. These days all in power claims to be democratic. One, who anointed oneself, and that, elected by the people, equally brag with it. For the Oromo, democracy was inbuilt into their life structures. For that reason, to transfer power at a given time had never raised bickering and fighting. All generations had positions and roles in society at different levels. The group, whose turn was to take power, might have in-party competition to be elected to leadership. That did not overflow past its period.
According to Western democracy, candidates spend too much wealth to run for election. For this reason, only the haves, or those sponsored by the haves, could compete for power. Parties in competition publicize through media or rallies and get themselves accepted without physical fight. They were able to lay down a system of transferring power peacefully and with tolerance without killing and hurting each other much. That made voters the decision makers. Those defeated start to gather mistakes of the elected immediately to help them win in the next election. They never stop exposing their rival’s mistakes at every turn. It is good to understand that to go against each other is a part of Western modern democracy. This is the state of people who have completed national struggle and have bound themselves by a constitution. Those who are still struggling have no law that covers them in common. It is only safuu(ethical consideration) that is in between them. Oromo politician of the day ask, “Why do we go against each other sparing the enemy?” They forget that the relation between them is not that of friends, but opponents. It would not be easy to differentiate opponent from enemy in the field of struggle, when both are in cahoots for the same purpose, opposing kaayyoo of independence. That may be waived between those who believe the possibility of travelling a distance together. That sort of agreement may stop adversarial attacks. Overall, it cannot be denied that cooperation is better than confrontation.
To get organized in parties and teams, and entertain any outlook and express oneself in any manner is a human right. That means, it is appropriate to promote one’s outlook and tear down that of a rival. According to the Oromo tradition, to fight on issues and denounce each other is legitimate. However, the human person is considered sacred. Except for the issue he/she presented, to insult one’s honor is safuu(unethical). For these reasons, to attack a person for one’s ideas when one did not cross a line to slander is despicable. But, in competition to analyze in detail the issues one presented and show the harm it could bring to the people’s interest is a norm. It is good to understand that rivalry between those who are under same constitutions and others under different discipline could be different. Western people accepted democracy because they saw no alternative to competing under peaceful and stable situation. For this reason, putting each other off balance to grab power under the supremacy of one constitution cannot be taken as greed in absolute terms. Legitimate power is necessary to reach required goal. It is greed, when it emanates from breaking the law with selfish arrogance and feeling of superiority.
Westerners adopted the concept of ancient Greek city state democracy after realizing that stable governance is indispensable for development. Earlier, it was the powerful who exterminated several to come to power. It was after that that they started tolerating each other and laying structures for transfer of power peacefully. They accepted that only for its advantage of saving life and property from catastrophe; otherwise, still traces of the gene for wasting one another is observable. That is why the powerful befriends tyrants of the Third World to do for them what their laws do not allow at home. Even in their own country, many are exposed at times, when stealing from each other, fighting underground and sabotaging one another’s efforts. We have said that the supremacy of the law is a culture for the Oromo. That means, they have a tradition to fall back to when they secure their country in order for different parties to compete peacefully and harmoniously in a modern setting. If interested, Gadaa is a rich source.
Even for the West, there is no common blueprint for democracy. But, all accept the rule of law. Human character is many and complicated. Unless it is agreed to bridle, it could lead to what is known as “survival of the fittest.” The situation in the Horn of Africa at present seems that. It is the one that, a historical accident, gave it power – that is pulverizing those who were unprepared. Unless they find solution soon, it is inevitable that the one over them will continue thriving and getting more strength while they are emaciating and growing weaker. Habashaa elites do not dream to accept the rule of law even for their own people. For this reason, the colonized have no other solution than fighting back, or accept the status quo and live by it. Some may try to get acceptance into their fold by cajoling the colonizers. They fail to understand that they are under spell of greater conspiracy and contempt against weak peoples of Africa. There is also lack of self confidence.
No organization remains in its original form because of constant change in nature. If society does not keep on adopting changes in science and technology, it is destined for decay. For this reason, public and private organizations are seen when changing methods to renew themselves. Even colonizers – from Minilik to the present – survived by adjusting tactics to demands of the times. The refresher courses everywhere in the world, regarding education and training, signify that. No less is expected from political organizations. Many technologically manufactured types of equipment are being introduced. Unless one acquaints oneself with changes in communication and diplomatic systems and war instruments being produced, it will be difficult to challenge an enemy that has already adopted them. Even if one has no access to these instruments, to know their existence and how they function can save one from danger. It could also make it easy to capture from the enemy and use it. For this reason, it is good to remember the saying of our ancestors that, “One will not live with dirty hands and old methods.”
It is a must, not a choice, to keep on changing on how one thinks and functions. That does not mean to change the fundamental objective when the cause still remains, but to sharpen what one already has. There are those who say, “you say ‘kaayyoo, kaayyoo something that did not bring any change in two decades.’” Kaayyoo is an outlook that reflects people’s aspirations and interests, not something that translates itself into work by miracle. It would be better to ask, could it be the people supposed to implement it who failed? EPLF and TPLF were liberation fronts – why did they succeed while OLF lost. Did anyone investigate that? It is after investigation that they ruled out kaayyoo as impracticable or by sheer whim? The Eritrean liberation movement brought forth EPLF. It succeeded without changing the objective of liberation, except for tactics of war. It is only after it captured Tigray that TPLF was prompted to change its strategy for there was no one to confront it. Tigreans were as Habashaa as the government in Shaggar. Their rebellion was for not getting their proper share. The Oromo are people different from them and were colonized by their ancestors. Their complaint was not about fair share, but about losing their country and rights. How can it be wrong to struggle in order to disentangle oneself from empire’s rule? The Tigreans crossed to the south finding it weak to challenge them; otherwise, did not they keep on swearing not to be ruled by Shawaa? What is wrong if Oromo say to them, ‘we will not be ruled by you?’ To say, ‘we will roll and put in the armpits of minority such a great nation,’ would be nauseating not only for the people, but for those who are listening.
Some cadres of OLF want to negotiate with their masters before building strong organization and dependable force. It can be guessed from experience that the enemy in its thought would say“Wadeet kafkaff” (How dare you)? It was for the benefit they want to get from their southern colonies, in particular Oromiyaa, that they were tearing each other down to grab power. As long as they have superior power, why would they negotiate with them? If not as a lackey, the facts do not show to force they negotiate as equals. Those cadres call the ones who still yearn for independence as “those who are frozen in history” without shame. Instead of laboring in history of slavery, wouldn’t it be better to get freeze in where they say? Folks, shouldn’t the Oromo people freely, in one voice demand what they want? Are the Oromo a nation that could present themselves as one people or are they collection of riffraff? The later would be contemptible; the Oromo are people who claim one country and one destiny. Before jumping to international relations, they have to determine their destiny. The road to be laid down by activists should be one that takes there straight, not falling short. Those who choose such a road can form alliance.
To say more on the Oromo struggle, it seems those of us who claim to struggle for one people are missing the big picture. The big picture is for our people to put away the yoke of colonialism and become masters of their own destiny. The pioneer youth gave themselves for the cause and started struggle that cost their lives. To advance the struggle, structure was laid down and assignments were shared. It was assumed that periodical assessments and how to transit to the following level was visualized. Unfortunately, there was a flaw in the process and the big picture was lost. Trust, among activists, started to melt away. The condition became conducive for revisionists and infiltrators. The hullabaloos of past few years, the rallying of opportunists and agents, the “melting to each other” phrase coinage is a grim reminder of how situations can be manipulated to create confusions and derail people’s struggle. For over five years, they had been frisking claiming there were no revolutionary like them; no expert in independence and freedom was born except them, but today we know where they stand. It was to divert us from the road we started, and were never concerned for freedom and independence. We just realized that. They were such overt and covert conditions that stunted the struggle. It was the clear kaayyoo, and nationalists who stood their ground, that kept the struggle alive staggering. Past activists have brought it so far. Yesterday only paves the road to today, but cannot help the present thrive and cross to the tomorrow. Each generation of an era has a role to play to make the interconnections. To join the liberation struggle, and wage internal and external struggle does not wait for a call.
The calamities and the changes faced by a people can be understood better if one lives among them and share the hardship they are subjected to. Those who claim to struggle for them must live and experience whatever they are going through. Otherwise, it will be like the saying, “One that became deaf during Abbaa Gadaa’s reign will remain swearing in Abbaa Gadaa’s name long after his demise.” One cannot make correct decision on what one cannot see or feel. Oromo are being herded to prisons, killed, and disappeared without trace for remaining with their conscience. Their land is given to others, and they are chased out of their ancestral grounds to become paupers. They are denied freedom of worship in the manner they choose. Enemies are attacking the nation from all directions to keep them in bondage as usual. The people have nowhere to run from atrocities. There is no exist or safe heaven to escape to.
For this reason, they are running to wherever their legs take them; some jumping into sinking ships to be devoured by sharks; others die from sun stroke, scorpion bites in deserts and eaten by wild beasts. Those who are able to cross borders are only better than the dead. Even under that circumstance, many did not lose hope. They are facing repression gallantly. We are also encouraged by the effort of our artists, writers, students and intellectuals who are keeping the spirit of Oromummaa alive under such dire situation. The youth are daily showing more political consciousness, mental maturity and revolutionary stances. Because of that culture and language the enemy thought to have destroyed is regenerating. Vigor and concern the youth are showing assures us that there is no turning back. But, that alone is not enough. There must be an organization that coordinates their efforts and give proper guidance.
OLF is a political organization that, for the first time, came out with kaayyoo reflecting the interest of the people. It did not draw a road map for the vision of one generation alone, but relevant for generations to come as well. For this reason, thekaayyoo is not subject to change though leaders may be deposed, die or betray, as long as the people remain under oppression. In the second millennium, OLF had suffered from crisis that made its constitution null and void. The power with which to impose discipline had slipped from its hands. Solution for it is expected from revolutionaries. It would be appropriate to draw guidelines until a legitimate constitution is re-instituted. The time is time of emergency. At a time when there is no constitution, what should be discussed is not about defunct constitutions, but on how to survive from marginalization. Integrating grassroots under one objective needs priority. If the mutual understanding at the top is not reflected at the bottom, it could mean there is a problem. It demands quick attention. If those, who claimed to reach understanding, still approach the people separately, it means things are still raw. People want to see ripe products. If still there are those who say “we and you,” it means there is more to clean up. Not to understand that could be inviting more disintegration. For this reason, better to be aware of what is going around and courageously get out with selflessness and determination to take necessary action.
Patriots have to take responsibility to transcend the crisis and put the organization on its proper path. Such a move requires selflessness and magnanimity. It is possible for anyone to have external pressures from different directions as individuals or groups. But, to give ears to each other more than they do for others is what patriotism requires. To overcome distractions from outside, transparent deliberations are required, not petty intrigues. They can heal together if they together find panacea for their pains. Program for short term domestic and diplomatic struggle have priority. If there is positive outlook, it will be possible to lay down provisional structure to implement those. Sharing of responsibilities must be open to consensus and must not be something to be contested among the dignified. The exercise is assumed not to be buying individual glory, but to dismantle conspiracy against the nation and come out of the crisis victoriously. The nation and members are eagerly waiting for the day they are told that the activists have agreed to form provisional unified revolutionary leadership. That leadership is expected to call the Kora to resolve outstanding issues and to carry out its revolutionary tasks in the interim period. That only would heal the shattered hopes of the people. The measures that this provisional leadership of OLF takes are crucial for rallying organizations with similar outlook. For that, the experience gained during the formation of ULFO could be a starting point.
There are dangers aimed at gains registered by sacrifices of Oromo martyrs. Though one chapter of the struggle is concluded with commendable gains, the second got into deep crisis. It is testing the integrity of the vanguard of the Oromo struggle, the OLF. But OLF is one and can never be divided. OLF is “Oromo First” and cannot be Ethiopian. To maintain this oneness, nationalists in the leadership have historic accountability. OLF will fill the gap created by breaking of its laws, and its work will not stop. The time is one of emergency. To cross over known procedures and save the nation, nationalists and the kaayyoo from debacle is of at most urgency. It must be now!! Success of the struggle is in the hands of Oromo revolutionaries who are duty bound to take it to the finishing line. Emergency requires urgency. The Oromo shall disentangle themselves from all machinations by their struggle. Unity of Oromo independence movement shall flourish. The struggle will continue!

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